Watch this journal for pictures that make me happy from my everyday life, proof of my commitment to a healthier and happier life, plus pictures and links to recipes that are food-allergy safe.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Roast Beef, Cheese, Biscuit, and Mushrooms!

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Okay, problem today! When I came home on lunch, I planned to make an herb salad. I also planned to pack the rest of the salad to bring to Charlotte with me tonight. (I am sleeping at a friend's tonight and am going to bring my own food). So I ended up chowing on odds and ends from the fridge... the tail ends of the cheese and the lunchmeat, a couple mushrooms. A friend commented this morning that there isn't enough green in my diet, and he's right, so I will make sure to get more salad and veggies before I come back home. That was also my last biscuit, and believe me when I say that I am going to miss them!

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