Watch this journal for pictures that make me happy from my everyday life, proof of my commitment to a healthier and happier life, plus pictures and links to recipes that are food-allergy safe.

Friday, February 20, 2009


(Hello, obesity!)

I have lost a few pounds this week.

Thank you, Wii Fit.

I am officially obese... Rather than morbidly obese.

This is a good, good day.
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Oh, wow.

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Trader Joe's pancake mix with real milk, applesauce (instead of eggs), canola oil, nutmeg, cinnamon, and a little bit of dry oatmeal to add texture. Topped with real maple syrup.

This was not healthy, but wow - what a treat! I didn't think I'd ever eat something like that again.

There is more mix in the fridge. I will make it for Mike and I for breakfast tomorrow.

And then... IKEA!!!