Watch this journal for pictures that make me happy from my everyday life, proof of my commitment to a healthier and happier life, plus pictures and links to recipes that are food-allergy safe.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

16 Point Salad

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This is "Tommy's Salad" from Monte de Rey in town. I knew it would be high points, but I was shocked when I added it up and found it was 16. More than half of that is from oil, and I probably should have added more points but I didn't have the stomach for it. From now on, I will be making my salads at home, and baking instead of sauteeing!

We want to get a puppy, but alas, we cannot.

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This is our neighbors puppy, and I wish that it was mine. I wish our landlords would change their mind.


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This was so easy, I should be ashamed! This is yoplait smoothie mix, with some extra milk (beyond what the bag calls for, to thin it out) and Splenda.

I figure these at UNDER one point each. One bag made SIX pops. AMAZING!! More importantly, DELICIOUS!!

The neighborhood dogs...

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Here is Bo and BeagleyPoo. I don't know what BeagleyPoo's name is. I don't know where Ugly Dog, Fat Dog, or Loud Barking Chihuahua were when this picture was taken, but it is proof that the dogs just seem to wait for us to come home and them ambush us.


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Sunday, August 1, 2010


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Monday, June 21, 2010


3.5 pt breakfast.

About to actually pack a healthy lunch.
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Sunday, June 20, 2010


I had estimated 10pts until I SAW the cheesiness of this...
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5.5 pts, .5 of which is from pineapple salsa.
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4pt snack
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Amazing low 2.5pt salad.

Points came from the crunchy salad topping, reduced fat feta, olive oil, and sliced deli chicken.


Wish everything else today was as good as this salad.
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1.5 pts for half cup cereal and quarter cup milk.
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Half a point.
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1.5 pt cup o joe.

(Half cup fat free half half, splenda).
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Saturday, June 19, 2010


8.5 pt dinner

5pt steamfresh whiskey steak meal

2lc wedges
3 wasa

Opt broc and chEese
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15 Pt. Lunch

Egg salad - 3.5 eggs, 2 T canola mayo, 1T dijon mustard = 13 pts

»Note I didn't finish the egg salad but plan to finish it later as a snack

3 Wasa Sourdough = 1 pt

Tomato salad with reduced fat feta and a drizzle of olive oil = 1 pt

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tomato juice and yogurt breakfast.jpg


2 point yogurt
Half point tomato juice

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I am back on WW as of this morning.

Half a point of Cranergy, and a Slimquick pill.

Today, chores are my excersizes.
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Monday, April 12, 2010


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Monday, April 5, 2010


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Saturday, April 3, 2010


This one is for T.S.
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Friday, April 2, 2010


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Roxy Loves Grandma

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Monday, March 22, 2010


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Clementine wants those buffalo bites that Daddy is eating! Mommy's healhy eating is NO FUN.


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Sunday, March 21, 2010

5.5 Pt Dinner

Made the cauliflower poppers. They are good but I made them too small. I would tone down the chili powder next time, and that is saying a lot coming from me. I will finish the rest though, for no points!

While they were cooking I heated up a nonstick pan, and in the same little bowl I had mixed my cauliflower seasonings in I put in a teaspoon of evoo, some thyme, some sage, some ground mustard, and a tiny bit of crushed red pepper. I poured it on one side of the pork chop and pressed it into the hot pan. While it was sizzling I used my finger to get the rest of the oil out and rubbed it on the other side.

The pork chop was really good.
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Turkey Roll-Ups

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Pickles, laughing cow, and turkey!


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Saturday, March 20, 2010


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Light butter on the corn, blue cheese on the steak.

Broccoli and Laughing Cow

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Such a stellar combo!

Walnut Raspberry Salad

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Not as good as it sounds.


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I always feel a little proud when I have done a good grocery shopping with lots of healthy foods.

I love poached eggs

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I have a serious love for poached eggs.

Poached eggs, 2 pts each.

Friday, March 5, 2010

And you yell to yourself
And you throw down your hat
And say 'Christ, do I gotta be like that?
Ain't there no one here who knows where I'm at?
Aint the no one here who knows how I feel?
Good God Almighty, that stuff ain't real'

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Saturday, January 30, 2010


After :)
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Thursday, January 28, 2010


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